Tag Archives: How to earn affiliate income

3 Ways To Make Money Through Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing spending is estimated to exceed $8 billion by 2020 from Stat . Given the $2017 billion spent in 5.4, the Affiliate Marketing industry is growing rapidly.

But should you make money from the opportunity?

Many influencers and online earning gurus make you believe that everyone should do it because it is easy and grows significantly.

While the latter is true, Affiliate Marketing is not far from getting rich quick. It takes a considerable amount of effort, time, and perseverance before you start to see the first few bucks move.

To give you a better idea of how affiliate marketing works and whether you need to immerse your toe in it, we are going to discuss the three main types of affiliate marketing.

But before you get to the goodies, let’s update the basics:

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a business model where you (an affiliate) earn commissions on each of your sales by promoting a branded product.

The above definition gives a reasonably comprehensive picture of the affiliate marketing system, but it is missing because it covers only three of the four parties in the process.

While a person can establish a direct relationship with a brand and market its product to order, most of the time there is a broker (partner network) involved.

The partner network supports payments and product delivery and at the same time acts as a database of products that the subsidiary can advertise if it wishes.

So the real affiliate marketing system involves the following parties:

  • Subsidiary (product promotion and reward)
  • Brand (whose product is marketed and sold)
  • Customers (who buy products)
  • Partner Network (Broker)

YouTube channel

YouTube, the second largest search engine, is used by more than 73% of adults, according to the Pew Research Center .

And with over 2 billion monthly users , YouTube is a goldmine for affiliate marketing.

But before you start making a lot of money from it, here are all the things you need to make big of it by doing affiliate marketing on YouTube:

  • YouTube account
  • Partner network
  • Decent operating system
  • Video editing program
  • Camera, microphone, webcam, etc.

How much does it cost?

Given that you already have a reasonably good computer, you will need to invest in a camera, microphone, webcam, and a monthly subscription to video editing software, all of which will cost you $300-500 (most of which is a one-time fee).

Pros and cons


  • We’ve already looked at statistics on how huge the monthly traffic on YouTube is, and more traffic means more results (and more commissions).
  • Because of the popularity of video content on the Internet, an amazing 88% of marketers said the videos yielded a positive return on investment. Given the growth of videos on the Internet, it’s safe to say that YouTube’s affiliate marketing won’t grow until the next few years.
  • Unlike Facebook, which can kill page coverage with a small change in its algorithm, YouTube is a subscriber-based platform, making it a much more stable platform.
  • More than 55% of search results show at least one video, and 80% of videos come from YouTube Tubular Insights . It clearly describes how easy it is to categorize videos.


  • Creating video content is not easy. It takes a lot of effort and time to write the script, make the video, edit it, and then upload it to YouTube.
  • Markets like technology, games, etc. are very saturated, which makes them difficult to succeed. There are others, like DIY Plumbing, that are easier to place but require a huge amount of work to create content.

What kind of videos should you make?

There are numerous video formats on YouTube, but only a few of them succeeded in affiliate marketing. These include:

  • Comparison Videos / Product Reviews
  • Best of Videos (Best Smartphones of 2020, Best Running Shoes, etc.)
  • Help videos (DIY, How to build a Shack, etc.)

Still, the video format or niche is of secondary importance. The key is to remember to provide value to your customers. If you create sales content without generating real value, regardless of your video format or niche, you’re likely to fail.

It’s best to choose a niche that you’re passionate about, something you feel inside and out. This way, you can not only provide value to your customers and build their trust (which forces them to click on affiliate links), but also enjoy the process.

How to get traffic?

The whole idea of ​​YouTube affiliate marketing is based on viewers. Therefore, it is only logical that a lot of traffic should be used for more traffic to get more sales.

Here are a few different strategies you can use to increase traffic:

Google and organic search

Ranking on Google is a great way to get more viewers.

You can do this by looking for queries that have a video ranking in Ahrefs (SEO tool).

Don’t forget to do keyword research to find keywords with huge search traffic. You don’t want to spend hours creating and editing videos on a topic that only a dozen people search for in a month.

YouTube is the second largest search engine, and you want to rank it too.

The basic idea is similar to investing in Google; however, it is a different platform and strategies differ.


Have you ever wondered why YouTube always asks you to like, subscribe to and comment?

YouTube’s algorithm is designed to recommend videos that are similar to what you’ve watched or liked before.

In addition, YouTube has a subscription bar on the left side of the screen that shows the channels people have subscribed to and the number of new posts.

The larger the number of subscribers, the greater the number of viewers.

Start a blog (organic traffic)

Affiliate marketing through blogging is a common online business model, but it is not far from easy.

But if you play your cards right and you’re really passionate about what you write, there’s a good chance you’ll earn at least a higher-than-average income from it.

What is the starting price?

There are just three things you can do to create an affiliate marketing blog:

  • Domain name
  • hosting
  • Autoresponder (software used to answer emails automatically)

You can buy a domain for $9-12 a year from Namecheap and hosting for $12-25 a month (dedicated hosting costs a lot more because of the added technical support). In addition, you can get a monthly autoresponder for $15.

So, you can start your affiliate marketing career by blogging for only $35-50.

Note: You will need to add additional costs for authors (for editing or additional content), A / B testing , social media campaigns, technical support, etc. as your business begins to grow.

How to create your blog for affiliate marketing?

Choose a niche

Just select the niche you want, dot.

However, if this niche:

  • There is a high demand
  • There are a good number of products
  • There is an audience that is eager to buy

That’s a plus.

Create great content

Content is the basis of affiliate marketing.

Your content should be interesting, informative, engaging, engaging, and valuable to your readers.

And to create that kind of content, you have to be passionate and very familiar with the niche.

You need to be active in the forums and follow other bloggers and influencers in your niche to be at the forefront of current trends . This will give you insights into what is being talked about in an hour, what people want to know, and allow you to create your content around such topics.

Do what others do, but better

Follow top influencers and bloggers in your niche. Look at what they’ve shared, if it’s gotten some huge dimension and interaction, it means there’s a demand for it.

Now that you know what sells, sell the same thing, but better.

You can do this by discussing the topic in more detail, sharing infographics to make it easier to understand, or embedding relevant videos, etc.


Networking is crucial to make it big in this business.

If you comment and share other people’s content, there’s a good chance you’ll be back and helping you grow.


If your content isn’t visible to your target audience, no matter how well written it is, no one will read it.

The best way to promote your content is to be active in forums and social media handles related to your niche.

Answer surveys, share insights and interact with others to gain more visibility .

Sending guests (writing for someone else’s website / blog) is another great promotion tactic.

Stay permanent

There is little chance of earning income in the first few months.

Most people save in the first few months because they are unable to generate the income they thought they would.

But if you stay permanent and create content consistently, you’ll sooner or later earn a substantial amount of passive income from it.

And the only way to stay permanent is if you work in a field where you’re really passionate.

Also, you can read: How to make more money? Well-known bloggers give their tips and reveal their own income

Create an email list

Creating an email list should be one of your top priorities.

The thing about emails is that it helps you stay memorable to your customers with scheduled emails that provide value.

Email campaigns help you build trust and a strong relationship with your audience if done right.

paid ads

Creating content marketing strategies, working on content, creating links, promoting, email campaigns, etc. all take a huge amount of effort and time to show results. If you’re looking for more detailed information on these topics, I recommend reviewing this Partner Manufacturing Guide for more advanced topics.

However, the process can be tracked with slightly paid ads.

Note: Paid ads are not a substitute for organic growth, but using a paid advertising strategy will help with content.

It’s wrong to think that when you create a star ad, write a complete copy, and target the right keywords, the money starts to move.

While it works this way in theory, in practice there are a lot of obstacles that come your way.

The biggest problem with paid ads is that you target a cold audience with no purchase intent. Also, you haven’t yet built your confidence in people asking for a purchase.

Therefore, a practical paid advertising strategy is critical to success.

Here are a few notes:

Facebook Ads

In order for your Facebook ads to run successfully, you need to know the identity of the buyer, which includes gender, age, location, interests, etc.

But even if the buyer’s identity is present, redirecting them to the sales page doesn’t work. The problem is that you are targeting a cold audience.

The best strategy would be to direct them to something valuable.

Your goal should be to get them on Facebook Pixel (software used to tag visitors for remarketing) to tag and move them through the sales cycle.

Facebook remarketing ads

Now that you’ve tagged visitors through Facebook Pixel, you can start remarketing (sending ads to people on your website).

Because these visitors have already visited your site and shown interest, you can direct them to your results pages (sales pages).

The types of ads you send to these visitors can be adjusted individually based on the pages you visit and the things you do there.

Google search ads

Google search ads work by providing keywords.

This offer is further divided into:

First Page Bid Estimates : Bids appear on the first page of the Google SERP (Search Engine Results page)

Top of page bid estimate : The bid will appear among the top 1 ads in the Google SERP (search engine results page).

First place bid estimate : The bid will appear at the top of other ads

Again, people tend to direct visitors to sales pages using Google search ads, which is a flawed strategy because these visitors have no purchase intentions.

A better strategy is to target low competition, long attempts at keywords with the intention of getting Pixeled visitors (for remarketing) or email addresses for email campaigns.

Budget for paid advertising

There are several factors to consider when deciding on the budget for your paid advertising campaigns, such as:

  • niche
  • Destination specific location / currency
  • Competitive
  • seasonal variation
  • Target keywords

You need to do quite a bit of research on the above factors in order to estimate the advertising budget you pay.

Ads paid by Google are charged in two ways:

  • CPC template (cost-per-click)
  • CPM model (cost per mile / thousand impressions)


  • Use the CPM model to improve visibility.
  • Start with a smaller budget and continue testing and optimizing based on their performance.


Now that you have a basic understanding of the three affiliate marketing models, you are in a better position to weigh the pros and cons of each model and decide which model is best for you.

But whatever model you choose, remember that persistence is the key to success.

Also, we have a premium make money online course. If you are Interested then you can enroll.

Some Benefits Of The Course:

✓ It’s extensive and covers a wide variety of subjects. I mentioned before that you’ll gain insight into managing and creating ads, content creation, and more. All these aspects work together for an in-depth lesson into everything you need to know about affiliate marketing.

✓ The course is kept up to date. Ten, twenty years in the future, you can’t expect the same strategies to work. I mean, imagine if Facebook were to be replaced by some other form of social media? Luckily the program is revised on a yearly basis to keep up with new trends, and so you’re getting updated tips and strategies you can apply to your business.

✓ It’s well organized and easy to navigate. The course is separated into different sections which help you flip through quizzes, revisions, and other areas you may want to specifically review. It’s also well laid out at a reasonable pace and follows a structure that isn’t confusing to allow for optimal retention.

✓ The community and support group is welcoming and a great resource even after you’ve completed the course. There’s a Facebook group dedicated to users of the SAS system where you can connect with experts and others like yourself. You’ll also gain access to an email marketing forum where you’ll be able to make use of the knowledge base anytime you need to.

✓ Customer support is easy to reach and eager to please. I like how the customer service team can be reached through email and you get a response within 1-2 days. The replies are quick, straight to the point, and often don’t need reiteration on your part.

Make Money On Facebook – Make money online

Facebook already has over a billion active users today and is one of the largest websites in the world. This social media contains over 50 million sites / pages, some of which have the potential to make money. Facebook is undoubtedly a Website that is geared towards acting as a social media, but also includes an economic side. Read this guide to find out what making money on big social media requires.

Make Money on Facebook – Here’s How!

Many people know how to make money on Facebook and even very well. The goal is to get as many people as possible to like your site and thereby click on the ads you have placed there. You can choose to advertise a specific business or multiple businesses and your money will begin accruing in your account. This guide will tell you more about the following:

Acquiring likes

Once this is done, it is time to gather likes for the site. The first 100 likes are easy to get. You can invite your own friends to visit the page and ask them to invite their own friends. When you are trying to earn money on your Facebook page, the number of likes on the page is very important. The more likes on your page, the more people will see the ads you post. This is necessary in order to make money on your page.

  • Write comments and posts on pages similar to your own profile. This will increase awareness on your site while collecting likes.
  • Organize small competitions, the participation of which is conditional on the liking of your site.
  • Write comments and posts on other social media, such as  Twitter ,  Instagram,.
  • Make your site worth a visit. Provide entertainment or facts about interesting things.

Once you’ve got followers, you need to get them interested in the content of your page. If the theme of your page is entertainment, it is wise to publish so-called Vine videos, pictures with funny texts, or links to  Youtube videos . Try to get your Followers to like your content, because then their friends will see what happens on your page.

When it comes to social media and learning to make money on Instagram , Twitter and Tumblr – like Facebook – they’re all worth considering because they do particularly well when it comes to fan community

There is no specific rule for when and how often you should put ads on your page, but it is very important not to put them too often. That way, of course, you will make money faster, but you will also quickly lose your fans and their interest in your page if you constantly add new ads.

Also, you can read: How To Make Money With Dropshipping

Getting ads

Take advantage of ads to make money with Facebook. You can earn in many different ways, but we recommend joining an affiliate network. An affiliate network is an online agency that allows companies to advertise their own website / store through affiliate marketing. The network has amassed an extensive collection of ads from many companies that you, as an affiliate, can use to your advantage.

We recommend that you sign up for about one to five affiliate networks so that you have a wide selection of ads to choose from. Membership is free and joining is very easy.

Also, we have a premium make money online course. If you are Interested then you can enroll.

Some Benefits Of The Course:

✓ It’s extensive and covers a wide variety of subjects. I mentioned before that you’ll gain insight into managing and creating ads, content creation, and more. All these aspects work together for an in-depth lesson into everything you need to know about affiliate marketing.

✓ The course is kept up to date. Ten, twenty years in the future, you can’t expect the same strategies to work. I mean, imagine if Facebook were to be replaced by some other form of social media? Luckily the program is revised on a yearly basis to keep up with new trends, and so you’re getting updated tips and strategies you can apply to your business.

✓ It’s well organized and easy to navigate. The course is separated into different sections which help you flip through quizzes, revisions, and other areas you may want to specifically review. It’s also well laid out at a reasonable pace and follows a structure that isn’t confusing to allow for optimal retention.

✓ The community and support group is welcoming and a great resource even after you’ve completed the course. There’s a Facebook group dedicated to users of the SAS system where you can connect with experts and others like yourself. You’ll also gain access to an email marketing forum where you’ll be able to make use of the knowledge base anytime you need to.

✓ Customer support is easy to reach and eager to please. I like how the customer service team can be reached through email and you get a response within 1-2 days. The replies are quick, straight to the point, and often don’t need reiteration on your part.

How to make money from amazon affiliate marketing?

As users already know, the Internet has become a tool to grow a business. But it is also a source of making money. How? Of course, there are many strategies and different in nature, but one of the most popular is implemented through affiliate programs. And among all of them, there is no doubt that the Amazon Partner Program is one of the most successful and effective in achieving its goals.

Either way, you may not know what this affiliate system consists of. But we are going to explain it to you from now on so that you can get the most out of it. Where you too can market your products, services or goods And that means a sales channel you didn’t have until now. Because you need to know that the Amazon affiliate program is more than just a marketing program.

In this general context, there is no doubt that from now on you will get very practical ideas for your digital project. As many as the universe recently created in the world of the Amazon. In addition to the technical aspects of the second series. Because Amazon can make money in these exact moments. You can see how simple …

Amazon Affiliate Program

First, you’re interested to know from the start that the Amazon Affiliate Program is an affiliate marketing program that allows websites to create links and earn commissions from sales generated through those links. This is the first detail that distinguishes it from other more traditional or more traditional marketing systems. And it can signal better visibility on the Internet.

In this sense, you give your users the security to shop on a trusted website and when they do, you earn 2-15% roughly in commissions per sale you generate from the products in your email. On the other hand, you can’t forget that from now on you can take advantage of Amazon’s various offers, promotions and news to make your commercial offer more attractive.

You should keep in mind that joining the affiliate program is completely free and simple to use. It incurs no financial cost and adds value that you will no doubt be able to improve your business with less effort than with other modern marketing strategies.

On the other hand, the Amazon Affiliate Program can report a number of benefits that you had from the beginning. Specifically, create a complete presentation for your customers or users . In this sense, what can you achieve with this affiliate program that is so well known all over the world? Well, the following publications we will reveal to you below:

  • Advertise products, services, or products on your website at no cost to your personal finances.
  • Your page will be visited by taking care of clicking on the links on Amazon.
  • You can earn up to 15% rewards on sales of your products. It’s about an extra money that you didn’t count on in the beginning.
  • You get to give a lot more visibility to your business area or even improve it compared to the competition.

Sells all kinds of products from Amazon

Of course, one of the stakes of this important commercial brand is that by becoming the world’s largest market, you can sell your products and reach people from almost any corner of the globe. At present, the internationalization of products is more affordable than ever, and the trend is thousands and thousands of users. Where all you have to do is register correctly on their digital platform

Affiliate Program Fees

One thing you need to know: Amazon will eventually pay commissions for the  product group that people buy . In this sense, overall profitability depends on the nature of your products or services, because in some cases you charge more money than in others. You need to plan which is the best business segment to get the best benefits, as differences can vary by as much as 20% in some cases.

Also, you can read: How to make money? Here are 12 ideas on how to make or make money!

Find the best products or services

Of course, you have no choice but to look for products that may not seem so common to you. This is the reason why some of them may be more profitable in the Amazon affiliate program. Not to mention that some niches in the digital business are already visible and even playable by users of this platform on certain websites.

Business niche selection

Join the trend of choosing products to create a slightly more general website. A small trick in this regard would be to add a name to your website that is closely related to the product you are marketing. For example, if you sell sports equipment, the new idea is that your domain could be called ropadeportiva.com.

Design a suitable strategy

In any case, it is very convenient to develop a strategy to better achieve this goal by guaranteeing success. We don’t just have to apply it, but on the contrary for the moral necessity that it is the best thing we can do right now. We have to believe that the Amazon Partner Program can bring us many benefits in our project or digital business. If we are not convinced of that, it is much better that we give up this slightly special undertaking.

Small tricks to make money with Amazon affiliate

Of course, this goal is not very difficult to achieve, and that is why we are going to give you advice so that you can achieve your goal. Not surprisingly, it is today’s operations that are involved in operations like this through affiliate programs. But in this case, it must be borne in mind that Amazon is not a domain name. No less, because it is something special for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the digital sector. For example, using the following steps that we are going to reveal to you below.

Amazon Affiliates is an online system through which you acquire customers for Amazon, and the program pays you a commission on the purchases of those customers.

It is a system with the great advantage that it requires very little initial investment and can become completely passive. With an additional source of income every month.

This commercial strategy requires low maintenance in all cases and this is a significant benefit to your application. It is true that at first it may cost you a little more effort. But then it’s a more mechanical performance that doesn’t cause many problems to perform it.

The fees, on the other hand, are not very high. In this sense, you need to know that there is no limit to the movements developed. This means in practice it   allows you to take the opportunity and  make money by recommending expensive products .

You need to keep in mind that Amazon may change its commercial agreement at any time, reduce the fee, or even cancel your account due to bad practices. It is something completely legal and acceptable that can happen to you at any time and in any situation. With this online affiliate platform beyond your satisfaction.

Sign up for Amazon affiliates

The process is no more than a few years ago. If not, on the contrary, it has been streamlined and modernized, and from this perspective you can benefit when you log in.

  • The first step is to go to their address and join for free. After a few minutes, this step is performed correctly.
  • If you already have an Amazon customer account, all you need to do is enter your email address and password. It’s that simple, and if not, you have no choice but to create one for yourself.
  • Once this part of the process is developed, all you have to do is answer questions about who is the name for whom you want to make payments. You can be yourself as the person or company responsible for the online business linked to this digital platform account.

As you may have seen, these are very simple and inexpensive procedures for all user profiles. So from now on, you can make your project profitable with maximum guarantees. Convinced that it is currently one of the most effective affiliate programs in the world.

Where the worst is, put the network in the necessary steps so that you can earn it in trade at full power.

Also, we have a premium make money online course. If you are Interested then you can enroll.

Some Benefits Of The Course:

✓ It’s extensive and covers a wide variety of subjects. I mentioned before that you’ll gain insight into managing and creating ads, content creation, and more. All these aspects work together for an in-depth lesson into everything you need to know about affiliate marketing.

✓ The course is kept up to date. Ten, twenty years in the future, you can’t expect the same strategies to work. I mean, imagine if Facebook were to be replaced by some other form of social media? Luckily the program is revised on a yearly basis to keep up with new trends, and so you’re getting updated tips and strategies you can apply to your business.

✓ It’s well organized and easy to navigate. The course is separated into different sections which help you flip through quizzes, revisions, and other areas you may want to specifically review. It’s also well laid out at a reasonable pace and follows a structure that isn’t confusing to allow for optimal retention.

✓ The community and support group is welcoming and a great resource even after you’ve completed the course. There’s a Facebook group dedicated to users of the SAS system where you can connect with experts and others like yourself. You’ll also gain access to an email marketing forum where you’ll be able to make use of the knowledge base anytime you need to.

✓ Customer support is easy to reach and eager to please. I like how the customer service team can be reached through email and you get a response within 1-2 days. The replies are quick, straight to the point, and often don’t need reiteration on your part.

Extra Income While Working – 28 Ways To Make Easy Money

Where to get extra income while working? Maybe you’re interested in financial independence, or starting your own business as a side job. Or maybe you’re just looking for a way to make money online or at home in addition to your day job so you can improve your financial situation. Maybe you’ve already tried several different ways to make money at home – to no avail. However, it is not worth getting discouraged yet, because depending on your skills and abilities, earning several hundred or even thousands of euros as a side job can be at your fingertips.

Whatever you do for your job, thanks to the ability to do the internet and telecommuting, making money may no longer be a constant and endless drill. In this society, all you have to do is seize the opportunities that this world of the digital age offers – and not the time when you find a deservingly worthwhile extra roadside to your work.

Some of the strategies reviewed in this article allow you to make money in the short term , while others take more time and effort. In any case, read through the article and choose a way to make money that suits your own goals and life situation. That is what the final games are about.



What would be a good side job at home? The Internet enables almost endless work tasks even at home. Make money at home and online with these tips:


Perhaps the most boring, but the most important option for making money online is investing. Investing is arguably one of the best ways to make money and passive income in the long run. Many make the mistake of thinking about starting to invest only when income is at a sufficient level. “Maybe when I earn more than 5000e / month…” Investing is number one on this list and you should start right away.

How to start investing:

If you are not an experienced investor, I recommend starting with investing in index funds. You can start investing in Nordnet’s index funds, for only 15 euros a month. Nordnet’s index fund is an easy way to diversify your investments internationally. 


Starting a blog is one of the best ways to work when your own schedule allows and earn a passive income over the long run. Writing a blog is also a completely place-independent job.

Your passion can be food, traveling, fashion, home renovation, car racing, camping – blogging allows you to turn your hobby into a livelihood. Even if done here, it is a good side job in addition to the main job.

So how do you make money with a blog?

  • By selling advertising space
  • By promoting affiliate products and services for which you earn commissions
  • By selling your own physical or digital products, online courses, e-books, etc.
  • Using a blog as a marketing channel to sell your expertise

Also, you can read: 10 weird – and less weird ways to make money while working


Making money on Youtube is very similar to making money on a blog – you need to choose the right topic and increase traffic to your channel. When you have enough viewers, you can make money from youtube ads, affiliate links, sponsored videos, and sell your own products.

During 2020, Youtube paid its users who downloaded videos almost $ 8.5 billion, so money on the platform is guaranteed to be available.


I remember when I started my first blog after a passive income, and I hoped someone would answer a million questions I had. And almost all entrepreneurs or people trying something new have experienced the same thing – at first glance they would like to be able to consult with a more experienced veteran with answers to countless questions ready.

There are many ways to find clients who need consulting. One of the most effective ways is to keep a blog related to your own skills, and promote consulting services through it.

I must also mention an interesting English-language online service, clarity ., Which helps people who offer counseling, as well as people who need counseling, find each other.

The service works quite simply:

  • A person in need of consultation help comes to clarity.fm and seeks help in their chosen topic area
  • They will find you through the service, and make a call
  • Through Clarity.fm you can confirm the agreed content and price for the service
  • You will provide consulting assistance within the time agreed upon, and you will receive your payment on time


Freelance writing is a broad field that includes a variety of writing assignments, including:

  • Marketing campaigns
  • Blog articles
  • Newsletters
  • Articles in e-journals and magazines
  • Catalog descriptions
  • Ghostwrites
  • Website content texts
  • Research funding writings
  • Technical writings
  • Scientific articles
  • Content production

As a freelance writer, you can work for private companies, advertising agencies, content production-focused advertising agencies, or self-employed people. You can work according to your own schedules, and set the desired salary for the work you do, either as an hourly wage, or a reward per 100 words written. Writing started as a part-time job can even grow into a full-time job in a short time, from which you earn quite comfortably.

In general, freelance writers are not required to have training or special skills, but of course good writing skills help to ask for a higher salary.

You can start your search for writing jobs , for example, at Upworking Freelance Writing Jobs.


Completing survey services and participating in competitions can be a great way to earn a little extra income, for example, while sitting on a bus or train. Survey services pay you to complete customer company market surveys. Topics can apply to anything between earth and sky, and for most services, you can only select topics that interest you.

Completing the surveys is not a money launderer, but you can get started in less than a minute, and you can easily earn pocket money of 100-200 euros a month by taking advantage of the looting time.

Survey services and competitions with the best prizes:

  • Norstat panel
  • The world of opinions
  • Consumer panel


Starting an e-commerce can be a great way to earn extra income, and eventually turn a business that generates extra income into a day job. However, when setting up your first online store, not everything always goes completely down the pipe. If you are completely new to the ecommerce business, it is important to start with a small investment. First, it’s important to try, and see what works, and invest more money when you know that sales will come.

Setting up an e-commerce is easy these days. With WordPress and Woocommerce, for example, you can get an impressive and professional online store up and running in a couple of days at its best.


As a freelancer, you can do virtually anything. Platforms like Fiverr help you find the right jobs and clients so you can develop your skills and earn more money with your services.

The advantage of working as a freelancer is its flexibility. In practice, you determine your own working hours, but remember that through international services you compete with freelancers all over the world, and the income level does not necessarily maintain the corresponding salary level in the industry in Finland. Anyway, this is a great way to get extra road traffic at home.


Video games for money? Yes. There are countless ways to earn money by playing video games.

You can make money e.g. developing and selling user accounts in different games, selling in-game items, live streaming, tubetting, game testing, etc. Sure, video games require dedication and passion for target games – that’s what many players find, isn’t it?


Many small businesses have a need for a social media manager because they simply do not have the time or expertise to maintain active social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter. If you have any understanding in this field, contact your local businesses and offer your services at a monthly rate. This is an easy way to make money online, no matter where you live.


If one thing is certain, then there is no shortage in Finland for the last century about companies whose websites have been left behind for the last century.

Selling mobile-responsive and stylish websites is easy for small businesses, as small players don’t want to pay an advertising agency 5,000 euros for manufacturing a website.

You don’t need to know how to use complex content management systems right away, as websites can be made without any knowledge in the field of coding. Even as a side job, you can easily make more than 2,000 euros a month by making websites. So website manufacturing is a really upscale extra job.

You can find customers by calling local companies or browsing the announcements of Nerot.fi or UpWork.com.



Renting an apartment or room is one of the best ways to earn extra income. Finding residents is really easy when you use the services of AirBnB, Tori.fi, Vuokraoven and Oikotie, for example.

Some people make money by making a living by renting multiple homes for short-term purposes through AirBnB.


Many of us have items for rent, such as hobby equipment, tools, trailers, ski boxes, etc.… Rent your belongings and let them generate money for you – instead of hanging out in stock!


Why park your car in the Park when you can rent it forward when you don’t need it yourself?

The Finnish BloxCar is an airBnB-like service for car rental. With an online service, you can list your car, and update easily available dates and prices. A service like BloxCar is a safe way to rent a car ahead.


If you find space in your garage, or there is empty space in the driveway of your plot, you can rent extra space for someone to store cars or boats, for example. Especially in areas where there is a shortage of parking spaces, renting a parking space can be a good way to make money.



Are you a creative person? Selling your own crafts through Etsy is a viable option

You can open your own personal store in Etsy and sell your craftsmanship to people looking for unique products. You can sell virtually anything; paintings, postcards, home decorations, jewelry, clothes, Christmas gifts…


If your passion is taking photos, and you’re good at it, you might consider selling photos online. There are countless photo banks online. One of the most popular services, Shutterstock pays you every time an image you upload to a site is uploaded by a customer. Utilizing photo banks can be a great way to get yourself a lucrative profession.

Even if taking photos isn’t your thing, more and more photo banks are also paying you for digital art. So if you like graphic design, then you should definitely try selling your work to photo banks.


Berry picking and mushroom picking in the woods is a healthy hassle for any of us, and you can make a lot of money from it anyway. I collected blueberries for sale several years ago, when my business at the time was quiet around July-August. Bread had to be brought to the table somehow, and the forests of my parents ’cottage terrain groaned with blueberries.

So I decided to get by and collected 2-3 buckets (20-30 liters) of blueberries every weekday morning for a month. For every bucket cleaned, I got 50 euros in cash, tax-free money. Depending on the location of the blueberries, it usually took about 1-2 hours to collect and clean one bucket with the days of travel. I remember that you got pretty good hourly wages with that job.

The best way to earn money by mushrooming and berry picking is to sell them to acquaintances, or to advertise berries and mushrooms for sale through online services such as somen and tori.fi. I actually got all the blueberries traded this way. I remember that money was left in hand for about 2,500 euros for that month, and there was no need for 8-hour workday hassles.



If you like driving, then one great way to make more money is to become an Uber driver. Getting started is easy, and the application and service work smoothly.

For example, you can drive a few hours on weekends, in addition to your current job, and choose your own work hours. Becoming a driver is basically easy, although the investigation work has to be done before starting the job.

There is no way to get high rates through Uber, but the extra money you get from driving people can still be welcomed by many who need extra income.


Believe it or not, there are always enough jobs for babysitters. If you are a nice and reliable person, then consider babysitting.

As a babysitter, you can make money in different ways. You can work as a babysitter in the evenings, or set up a company that provides services full-time.

First of all, the word has to be spread to acquaintances, and even through Finnish, but soon the bus radio will do its job and a reliable babysitter is guaranteed to find a job!


When homeowners go on a trip, there is an opportunity to take care of pets. Being a pet sitter is often a nice activity, and at the same time you can take care of your own things or work in addition to taking care of your pet.If there are no pet owners in your circle of acquaintances, you can join a service like Pawshake , for example .


Network marketing companies have not disappeared since the days of Tupperware. You can start a side business by reselling network marketing products to your acquaintances. There are companies and products in every field, so there is definitely a suitable option for you too!


Working as a cleaner is not a low-paid profession, and it is still a completely independent job. Put ads on the bulletin boards of your local store and library and start cleaning your homes.

In Finland, as a cleaner, you can easily charge 30 euros per hour, and work, for example, a few evenings a week, along with your other work.


Many entrepreneurs have started their business by pushing a lawn mower, and it is still a great option today. If you live in an area where people need a gardener, feel free to knock on doors and offer your services to people. It’s a great way to make extra money.


Painting is a great option for making extra money. If you have time on summer weekends, you can paint houses or go to work for a painting contractor. It’s not always the easiest thing to do, but in appropriate circles, painting gigs make a good account.



If you consider yourself a smart negotiator and know a lot about cars, you can buy cars and sell at high prices and make good money on the sidelines.

The online car and the market are full of used cars, and many want to get rid of an old car out of the way of the new one quickly. You can also consider buying at car auctions if you have the skills and tools to repair crash cars.


Everyone has seen marketable furniture on the trash cans, or given for free on the Facebook marketplace and in market announcements. Many people just want to get rid of old stuff fast – out of the way, for lack of money, or just about anything else.

You can start by browsing products, for example, on the tori.fi service or on the Facebook marketplace. Find the products you are interested in that you want to specialize in and start making money!


You can find valuable stuff by touring the flea markets. If buying and reselling old stuff is your thing, it’s a good idea to spend the weekends visiting different flea markets in search of lucrative items.


When I started my first blog, I had no idea it would turn into a full-time job in a couple of years. I was simply tired of working in the corporate world and knew I wanted more than I could have ever gotten from my previous job.

That’s why I started side work. Your reason for starting side work or your goal is an incredibly important part of this process.

Part-time work means it’s work, and why motivate yourself to do more work than you do now?

Once you have the motivation to start, start exploring side work ideas by thinking about where you are good, what you enjoy, and what times you are able to work extra.

Let’s just say you just want to make a little extra money here and there without any bigger idea. Even walk the dogs, or fill out paid surveys.

If you’re really motivated to start a new business that you can scale and that might help Leaving one day a four-way lifestyle, blog or youtube channel creation has helped that goal for many of us.

Also, we have a premium make money online course. If you are Interested then you can enroll.

Some Benefits Of The Course:

✓ It’s extensive and covers a wide variety of subjects. I mentioned before that you’ll gain insight into managing and creating ads, content creation, and more. All these aspects work together for an in-depth lesson into everything you need to know about affiliate marketing.

✓ The course is kept up to date. Ten, twenty years in the future, you can’t expect the same strategies to work. I mean, imagine if Facebook were to be replaced by some other form of social media? Luckily the program is revised on a yearly basis to keep up with new trends, and so you’re getting updated tips and strategies you can apply to your business.

✓ It’s well organized and easy to navigate. The course is separated into different sections which help you flip through quizzes, revisions, and other areas you may want to specifically review. It’s also well laid out at a reasonable pace and follows a structure that isn’t confusing to allow for optimal retention.

✓ The community and support group is welcoming and a great resource even after you’ve completed the course. There’s a Facebook group dedicated to users of the SAS system where you can connect with experts and others like yourself. You’ll also gain access to an email marketing forum where you’ll be able to make use of the knowledge base anytime you need to.

✓ Customer support is easy to reach and eager to please. I like how the customer service team can be reached through email and you get a response within 1-2 days. The replies are quick, straight to the point, and often don’t need reiteration on your part.

10 weird – and less weird ways to make money while working

During the year of maximization, I have researched and tried many different ways to make money from traditional blogging communities, writing e-books, and other small incomes. Of these, these have not in themselves generated any main income streams for me, as in my paid job, but have brought in suitably small additional income streams to reach my gross income target of €100,000.

In today’s post, I’m going through 10 weird – and perhaps a little less weird ways I’ve found and considered myself during the year of maximization. I have done some things, I have not. The biggest reason for not doing things has often been my own time and the fact that I simply haven’t had the time or resilience to implement just about every extra income stream that the Internet makes possible in this world.

Above all, however, the idea of ​​this writing is to provide ideas and tips as well as inspiration, as I have talked and written all over the past year about how each of us could achieve an annual income of up to €100,000, as long as we are creative and hard enough. It’s good to remember that in addition to creativity, the limits of your own comfort and morality also determine a lot how you can make money, as this article and last week’s Iltalehti story show, or as Pohatta said well in his last article.

As I have written before, the opportunities to earn money in addition to work have grown at an almost exponential rate, and surprisingly many Finns earn side income in as many different ways as possible thanks to the Internet. There are plenty of stories of sudden enrichment, casino bonuses entice players to try their luck, crypts rise and fall by tens of percent a day and there would always be new ways to get rich. Today, however, I’m focusing on those ways of earning, not all of which are necessarily so mainstream, but of which each of us can take advantage – as long as you see the effort.

1. Sell stuff

As I wrote last year, most of the stuff we own is useless. If you don’t believe me, believe Maria Kondōa – the inventor of Konmar. In my minimalist year, I found that even I have nonsensical piles of useless stuff, even though I’ve always lived frugally and for most of my life on a student budget.

The easiest way with this useless stuff is to sell it off. When you spend some time honing sales announcements, things usually go relatively smoothly. I myself have been trying to sell electronics and old Nintendo video games away over the past year. I use Huuto.net myself for this and so far my experience of all stores has been smooth – at the same time I have been able to increase my income for this year by many hundreds of euros.

2. Dropshipping

Dropship refers to e-commerce activities where goods are sold without holding one’s own warehouse. In practice, the thing is, for example, that the seller puts the goods up for sale and when the customer orders a product, it is sent through another retailer or wholesaler without the seller having to keep his own stock.

Dropship is one thing I should have been more familiar with this year, because in practice, the limit is what you are willing to sell. Aliexpress is often used in dropshiping, so it’s good to remember that the level of these Chinese products can sometimes be pretty rubbish.

There are many success stories about dropship in Finland as well, and I recommend googling it if you have ever been interested in setting up your own online store. The world of dropship is relatively deep and, as always, most of the money will never get into big money, but when the right online store is found, it can come as a surprise.

3. Sell your own skills online

There are numerous different services on the Internet through which people can sell their own skills or services to customers. By far the most popular of these is Fiver, through which it is possible to sell graphic design, programming or even content production services to customers. Actually, you can sell just about any skill in Fiver.

Income may consist of a number of smaller assignments, but it is possible to earn a full living at best through the platforms, if you have succeeded in becoming a sufficiently respected expert in your field. I’ve also considered joining Fiver many times (if I offered writing services in English and Finnish), but I stated that then writing would probably turn into a job – and an even lower paid one. So I would rather write on my own blog than someone else’s blog.

Also, you can read: 3 Free Ways To Make Money Online In 2021

4. Surveys

As I wrote a few months ago, it is possible to get a little pocket money through various survey sites. This is surprisingly popular among Finns as well, which can also be seen in the popularity of my blog post.

Hourly wages remain very low when answering surveys, but on the other hand, this does not require any skills or any kind of know-how. So anyone can do these without any input other than time. The salary here is considerably lower than in other ways, but requires so little investment from oneself that this in itself is logical. Free lunches when they are less often available – except as I say soon, sometimes there are.

5. Tubing

By running a blog, YouTube channel, or social media account, it is possible to earn page revenue through ads or commercial communities. At their best, different influencers can earn even large sums by promoting products or services alongside their content. You need an audience for your advertising revenue, but in practice you need one of two things to create it.

1) Time and effort
2) Good luck and interesting content

When I started the Self-Sufficiency Challenge in 2016, my blog was read by 2,000 people a month and I made 0 euros on the blog during the year. Because I have spent time, effort and, according to the comments, also created good content, my monthly readership has increased fifteenfold in four years , which also helps in monetizing the blog. However, none of this has come easily and has required hundreds of hours of work every year in front of the blog.

6. Arbitrage betting and market arbitrage

As an old card player (not poker) and a lover of statistics, arbitrage in both the stock market and betting has always been an extremely interesting phenomenon, in my opinion.

Arbitrage betting refers to betting in which odds are found on two opposing targets such that, regardless of the outcome, you are sure to win . In other words, if a match can only end in a win for either team, and both are offered a multiplier of more than 2 times, for example, by placing a bet on both targets, a certain win can be obtained. You should always be careful in arbitrage betting. Sometimes, for example, it is possible that an item is clearly marked with an incorrect odds, in which case the betting site has the right to correct the odds and return the player’s bet.

Arbitrage is also sometimes seen in the stock market, both in leverage and in ordinary stocks. Often, arbitrages have only a few cents of benefits per share. Such situations often occur, for example, in situations where a listed company is being bought off the stock exchange. At least EUR 12 per share may have been promised for all shares, but the share is still traded at EUR 11.5, although there are practically no legal issues that could prevent the acquisition.

Such situations are difficult to distinguish because not all acquisitions are such. For example, Mehiläinen has currently offered EUR 16 per Pihlajalinna share. Despite this, the Pihlajalinna share is still traded at EUR 14.5 – 9.5% cheaper than what Mehiläinen has offered for the shares. Is it arbitrage, or a sure win? No, because the transaction between Mehiläinen and Pihlajalinna is under review by the competition authority and it may be that the transaction is not approved at the level of the authorities. This would probably lead to a clear decline and loss of the Pihlajalinna share if the Pihlajanlinna share had been invested at that price of EUR 14.5.

Arbitrage should not be possible according to theories of economics in an efficient market, but because people make up the market, they are never fully effective. Arbitrage is often a small percentage, but if you start doing this and researching it, you can make the most of your work as your main job with big money.

7. Write a book or e-book

Writing a book is always a time-consuming endeavor and makes it hard to make money – especially today, when people consume significantly more audiovisual entertainment than books.

Despite this, I myself have a book / e-book at work because I love writing. I don’t think writing a book is something that should be done purely for money, but if you like to write, writing an e-book or a traditional book can certainly increase your income. Personally, however, I feel that writing is a vocation – if you only do it for the sake of money, you will soon learn to hate it as well. As a result, I didn’t write at all for a couple of years!

8. Place

This is of course a bit of a boring answer, but investing is one of the easiest ways for anyone to make money online.

If investing is handled smartly, the return expectation is positive and investing is one of the easiest forms of passive income. However, as I said when I changed my investment plan, it is good to note the difference between a company that pays big dividends and a company that pays a sustainable dividend. A growing dividend is always better in the long run than a high dividend yield.

9. Creating a niche site

Setting up a niche site in English is one of my favorite kids that at least I don’t have time to implement yet. The idea, then, is to set up a page that deals with something very carefully selected on one topic. The topic must be searched on Google, but in a way that does not provide much information about Google. Thus, a niche page is able to rise to number one in Google searches, which usually turns into euros in one way or another.

My favorite example of this is the page “Security Guard Training HQ” founded by the American Pat Flynn, which, as the name implies, contains information on how to train as a guard in the Yankees. The profession is very common in the United States, but there was hardly a page focusing on it when Pat founded the page and the information was scattered from state to state. Pat did a lot of footwork (i.e., phone calls) to the state offices and found out the information needed. He set up the page, put the information in one place and at best the page made 3,000 euros a month – without Pat doing anything on his page. All the necessary information sat on the page and people came the natural route from Google there.

The key to setting up a niche page is to find just the right topic. In practice, a topic only needs to meet two criteria at a time. The matter must be searched frequently on the Internet, but at the same time not much information can be found on it . When these two criteria are met, all that is left is to set up the page and think about how the topic can make a passive income (with ads, affiliate income, etc.).

10. Buy and sell

This requires persimmon muscles, but works more than well – especially in electronics. One way to earn money by selling second-hand goods is to buy products, for example, with different package offers from one seller, and then sell them one by one at a higher price to another customer.

A good example of this was a friend of mine who had a bunch of old PlayStation games. He sold the console and all the games for 400 euros. However, he had calculated that, when sold separately, the goods were worth about 650 euros. However, he noted that things were easier to get rid of at once than one at a time – saving time and nerves. He – like so many others – prioritizes time over money, but this allows him to buy and sell at a higher price for those who can get involved.

Also, we have a premium make money online course. If you are Interested then you can enroll.

Some Benefits Of The Course:

✓ It’s extensive and covers a wide variety of subjects. I mentioned before that you’ll gain insight into managing and creating ads, content creation, and more. All these aspects work together for an in-depth lesson into everything you need to know about affiliate marketing.

✓ The course is kept up to date. Ten, twenty years in the future, you can’t expect the same strategies to work. I mean, imagine if Facebook were to be replaced by some other form of social media? Luckily the program is revised on a yearly basis to keep up with new trends, and so you’re getting updated tips and strategies you can apply to your business.

✓ It’s well organized and easy to navigate. The course is separated into different sections which help you flip through quizzes, revisions, and other areas you may want to specifically review. It’s also well laid out at a reasonable pace and follows a structure that isn’t confusing to allow for optimal retention.

✓ The community and support group is welcoming and a great resource even after you’ve completed the course. There’s a Facebook group dedicated to users of the SAS system where you can connect with experts and others like yourself. You’ll also gain access to an email marketing forum where you’ll be able to make use of the knowledge base anytime you need to.

✓ Customer support is easy to reach and eager to please. I like how the customer service team can be reached through email and you get a response within 1-2 days. The replies are quick, straight to the point, and often don’t need reiteration on your part.

How to Make Money While You Sleep With Affiliate Marketing

In this article I first explain what affiliation is and how to find products or services to promote. Then I then present to you different solutions that can make it possible to earn money with the affiliation.

To summarize. Affiliation consists of promoting the products or services of a company (which can be called  “the affiliate”  or “the advertiser” ). Whoever promotes ( “the Affiliate” ) an Affiliate’s products or services is paid for each sale they initiate.

So the goal of affiliates is to send as many potential customers as possible to advertiser sites. In general, affiliates are remunerated in two different ways:

  1. Either the affiliates are paid according to their sales in the form of a fixed commission or a percentage of the price for each product / service sold,
  2. Either the affiliates are paid for each Internet user sent who fills out a specific form (creation of a member account, subscription to a newsletter, etc.) on the site of an advertiser.

The size of the commissions depends on several criteria : the advertiser, the price of the products / services, the supply and demand, etc … So the amount of a commission can be very low (but not necessarily uninteresting as we will see more low) or very enticing.

To promote the products or services of an advertiser site, the affiliate uses text links or banner ads . Each Internet user who clicks on these links or these banners could potentially earn a commission to the affiliate who will have set them up.

Develop an audience

To earn money through membership you have to be successful in  acquiring an audience . You have to get visibility one way or another. Because you have to find potential customers for the affiliates.

To develop an audience, we can consider several possibilities:

  • Create and develop a blog, or other content site.
  • Share videos on a YouTube channel.
  • Try to gain visibility on social networks.
  • Collect email addresses for email marketing.

All of its solutions can be used at the same time and become very complementary, but be careful not to disperse too much anyway.

Once we have gained visibility, we must ask ourselves this question:

“What kind of product / service would interest / help my audience? “

Or conversely, sometimes we ask ourselves this question: “What type of audience do I need to acquire to sell this product / service?” “ .

Then you just have to present to your audience the products / services you want to recommend, regularly.

3 solutions to find products / services to sell in affiliation


At the very beginning, when you don’t have a site, no visibility on social networks, no mailing list… It is not easy to find affiliate partners. So at the beginning we can start by simply looking at the sponsorship systems that we find on many sites that have something to sell.

Currently, there is for example sponsorship for online banks which is very successful:

The screenshot above is no longer relevant, but we still find this kind of offers.

The first advantage of referral programs is that they are found everywhere in almost all areas . And the second advantage is that the referral programs are accessible to everyone, no need to have a site for example.

Sponsorship and affiliation are based on the same principle. That is to say to promote a site and to be paid according to the performances. This is ideal for a start, although some referral programs pay in the form of discounts or freebies.

Affiliate platforms

Then I recommend that you take an interest in affiliate platforms . These sites are intermediaries between affiliates and affiliates. Some affiliate platforms are specialized in very specific themes, such as weight loss for example. But the most well-known affiliate platforms usually offer campaigns in almost all areas.

However, to register on an affiliate platform, you generally have to present your communication tool (websites, social networks, etc.). So these sites are not necessarily accessible to everyone. You must already have visibility on the internet to be able to register. Hence the interest, at the beginning, of the sponsorship programs that I told you about above.

There are several advantages to registering on affiliate platforms. Already, we have access to a good number of affiliate programs. Then, we don’t need to invoice each affiliate one by one, nor do we need to be in contact with each advertiser, the platform takes care of all that. In general, the only person that comes into contact with on the affiliate platforms is our “affiliate manager” . We just have to concentrate on promoting the campaigns. 🙂

Some examples of general affiliate platforms: TradeTracker , Effiliation , Daisycon , Affilinet , Awin … These affiliate platforms however require a site to be able to register.

But there are also other affiliate platforms that don’t necessarily require having a site. This is often the case for affiliate platforms dedicated to digital products (training, etc.) such as systeme.io (which is a marketing tool but which also offers 600 affiliate programs, Ourwin which is dedicated to training online (50% commission on each sale), or even 1TPE on which there are all kinds of digital products to promote.

Live Affiliate Programs

Finally, some merchant sites offer their affiliate program directly , without going through an affiliate platform. This is the case, for example, of the famous Amazon site, which offers its own partner program . And which allows you to earn up to 10% commission by recommending products for sale on Amazon.

Also, you can read: How to make easy money? 13Ways To Earn Extra Income Online In 2021

So the advantage of live affiliate programs is that there is no middleman. So it can be more interesting at the level of commissions .

Some merchant sites also offer affiliate partnerships by contacting potential affiliates directly. Rather than offering a visible program directly online as is the case for Amazon.

4 solutions to earn money with affiliation

Now I will tell you a little more about the 5 solutions to earn money with affiliate. 4 solutions to develop an audience and promote affiliate links.

1 – Create a content site

This is currently the method I use the most to earn money with affiliate. I create blogs , or directories , or even sites that bring the two together. The best is to start with a simple blog. But building a profitable blog takes a considerable investment of time. Contrary to what some dream sellers claim, you don’t create a profitable blog by working just 1 hour a week (at least not at first).

Creating a blog that makes money with affiliate money… this is a topic where there is a lot to say. I can’t explain everything to you in this article. Otherwise this article would become very long and I will stray from the main topic. And do not hesitate to train yourself on the internet by reading blog articles, or by reading certain books such as:  BlogBuster: Making Money with a Blog , available on Amazon. I read this book, it’s a very good guide that summarizes the essentials to know to create your first profitable blog.

Some tips for optimizing blog income

Before moving on to the following solutions, I will still give you some tips to better optimize the income from your affiliate blog :

– Start monetizing your blog as quickly as possible

I see a lot of bloggers waiting to get traffic to start monetizing their blog. For me this is a mistake. Logically, the first sources of visitors to a blog are the first articles that have been published on it. Partly thanks to natural referencing. And these first sources of visitors are potentially the first sources of income if you put a few links there. In addition, many bloggers end up giving up for lack of results. And I think they wouldn’t give up if they won a little coin every now and then. Even a small result can be enough to give a little motivation again :).

Certainly, at the start of a blog you cannot have access to certain partnerships. A newly created blog, therefore without traffic, does not interest many affiliates. But if our theme allows it, we can try to monetize these articles from the start via  sponsorship programs as I explained above. And you can also go through affiliate platforms that are not very demanding once you have published 4 or 5 articles and installed a beautiful design.

– Give good visibility to affiliate links

No wonder you don’t make money with affiliate if you have posted 30 articles on your blog and only 2 of them contain an affiliate link. You have to try to sow affiliate links all over your blog , as long as it remains consistent with the content.

We can also create and promote certain pages whose primary objective is to generate money in affiliate . This is what I do on all my sites , and it works great:

In this menu, the two framed tabs lead to pages that are designed with the objective of promoting affiliate links . Unlike blog articles which can be created for lots of different reasons: feed the machine, attract traffic, attract inbound links, make the blog “weight”, etc … And therefore the affiliate links therein often find they have  a lower conversion rate .

To gain visibility for some of my affiliate links I also use a popup on some blogs, like this one:

I install this kind of popup thanks to the site HelloBar. Currently I only use it to promote affiliate links (with the agreement of the affiliates because they do not always agree), which allows me to increase my earnings considerably. But, as we will see later in this article, it can also be interesting to use this kind of popup to grow a  mailing list .

Update 2021: From now on I no longer use HelloBar since its evolutions do not affect me anymore. Now the popups that I display on my sites are managed with the GetSiteControl tool .

– Do not neglect the design of your blog

I see a lot of bloggers who consider the design of their blog to be something secondary. This is also a mistake. For me the design of a blog is almost as important as its content.

I know this because I had the opportunity to experience it.

At the end of 2015 I had two main blogs on the same subject, therefore with the same type of content (they even went so far as to compete in Google). One had a very ugly design and not very worked out presentation (and it still is, this is the site asthune.com) and was turning in about 350 to 400 visitors per day. The other was a more recent blog, with a more refined design (it’s empocher.net), but it only had 100 to 150 visitors per day. These two blogs therefore offered the same content.

Asthune was refused by a number of affiliates . But these same affiliates generally accepted empochet.net which had 2 to 4 times less traffic than Asthune and similar content. The only element that played in favor of pocketing.net was its design which was a little more “pro”. So since then I try to devote more time to the design of my sites because obviously that can make the difference, and not only for the affiliates.

2- Create a YouTube channel

Developing an audience on YouTube is also a great way to be successful in making money with affiliate marketing. Personally, I am not present on YouTube, but I know that video is the content format that converts the best, when done well.

To promote affiliate links on YouTube you can add them directly to the video, it seems to me, as well as to the description.

I am not yet using this platform to generate income so I am not in a good position to give advice on the subject. But I feel like developing a YouTube channel is a bit like developing a blog in the end. Indeed, we must try to create quality content regularly, rely on natural referencing to obtain views, try to retain the traffic we get (by encouraging them to subscribe to the channel or to join us. on social networks), etc …

If you are interested in YouTube I think this book might interest you: YouTuber: Creating Videos and Millions of Views on YouTube , available on Amazon. I haven’t read it myself, but I’ve read the other two books by the same author and wasn’t disappointed so I think this one too should be filled with good advice.

And if you already have a YouTube channel, you can also take an interest in the Influence4Brands site which offers a large number of advertising campaigns.

3- Social networks

To earn money with the affiliation I occasionally use social networks. I mainly use my Facebook or Twitter pages. In general I get more results with Facebook, except maybe for a few topics.

The downside of Facebook or Twitter is that publications on these social networks  have a very short “lifespan” . Only a few hours on average. Unlike YouTube videos and blog posts which can attract traffic for several weeks, months or even years.

It is for this reason that in order to earn money with affiliate I will tend to recommend starting a YouTube channel or starting a blog or directory. And to use social networks as a source of additional traffic and as a way to stay in touch with part of the audience.

But a simple Facebook post can also go viral and be seen by tens, hundreds, or even thousands of people. And if it contains a relevant affiliate link it can make money easily and quickly.

Another advantage. When you have a Facebook or Twitter page with a lot of subscribers you can also earn money by sharing sponsored posts . 

Develop your number of subscribers as well as engagement

To try to earn money with a Facebook page for example, you must of course have subscribers. But the main difficulty is to ensure that the engagement rate of its subscribers is developed. Engagement is the number of “likes”, comments, shares, clicks… on publications. And it’s all these criteria that can make a post go viral.

There’s no point having an FB page with thousands of subscribers if 99% of them aren’t interested in posts. In addition, when the engagement rate is good (likes, comments, etc.) a post is seen by a greater number of people.

The second important criterion is the thematic . A Facebook page on a humorous subject will be easy to promote, but will be more difficult to monetize than a Facebook page on a more serious subject. And this is also valid for blogging, the development of a YouTube channel, etc …

Share affiliate links on Facebook and Twitter

It’s not always easy to share affiliate links on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Especially since on social networks criticism is easy there towards advertising. Here again we have to ask ourselves this question:

“What product / service would be likely to interest / help my audience? “

You have to try to promote relevant products and services. And don’t overdo it, trying to promote an affiliate link on every post is not a good solution. You have to vary the publications .

On Facebook pages, there is an option that allows you to write articles , like on a blog. We can therefore write an article with a nice formatting, illustrations, external links … We can even mention other Facebook pages to try to get additional shares. The advantage is that on Facebook we do not need to ask questions about natural referencing in Google. So we can afford to write short articles of 400 to 1000 words.

An article can help promote an affiliate link in a more relevant way, by integrating it into its content. We can thus transform advertising into information . Posting videos can also go a long way in promoting affiliate links.

A little tip too, in addition to promoting affiliate products or services, you can also promote job offers through sites like Myjob Company . According to the topic approached obviously. In this type of affiliation the commissions can go up to 1000 euros, so it can be more than interesting.

Earn money with affiliate… on Instagram?

So far I’m only talking about Facebook, and a little bit about Twitter. But there are other interesting networks, like Instagram for example. If you have an Instagram account with a lot of engaged subscribers you can earn money with the affiliation.

The problem is that you cannot put a link in the description of the photos that you publish on Instagram. So the solution to making a bit of affiliate is to put an affiliate link in the description of your profile. And clearly indicated in the description of the photos the location of the link. For example if you wear a T-Shirt in a photo and you want to recommend it to an affiliate, and in the description you can say: “If you want to get the same t-shirt as me, click on the link in my bio ” .

The downside is that each time you want to recommend another product / service, you have to modify your profile to change the affiliate link.

Again, affiliate is not the only way to earn money. For example, you can do your own advertising , or take an interest in product placements via platforms such as Influence4Brands or Reech .

4- Email marketing

Finally, to earn money with affiliation, you can also take an interest in email marketing. The objective is to develop a list of subscribers (a “mailing list” ), using a blog, a YouTube channel and other social networks. For example, you can use MailChimp to create, manage and send emails to your list of subscribers. This autoresponder, in English, is free up to a certain number of subscribers so ideal for getting started.

In general, to encourage Internet users to subscribe to their list of subscribers, bloggers and YouTubers offer something in return . Often they offer private content (such as a guide in PDF format for example), which Internet users automatically receive by email as soon as they register.

If you have a blog you can also boost your number of subscribers by displaying a registration form in a small popup (or other highlight formats) with HelloBar  or OptinMonster. 

We can then regularly send an email to subscribers to keep them coming back to our blog (and others), always give more information, maintain contact, create a commitment, etc … And of course we can also use this mailing list to promote affiliate links consistent with the theme .

Automate the sending of emails

A good strategy is to prepare a series of emails in advance that will be sent automatically to subscribers. This saves precious time. For example, we can prepare a series of ten information emails, containing tips, advice, tips, etc …

You can then plan to send your emails using an autoresponder. For example, we send the first email as soon as a new subscriber has registered, then the second 3 days later, then the third, etc …

And in some of the emails you can embed one or more affiliate links to products or services that may interest / help subscribers.

On the other hand, it requires an investment of at least ten euros per month I think. It seems to me that no autoresponder can automate the sending of emails for free. To implement this kind of strategy, you can use autoresponders such as MailChimp (in English), Aweber (in English) or SG Autoresponder.


This is where this article ends. Hope it helped you come up with some ideas for making money with affiliate.

I was not able to detail the different solutions as much as I wanted in this article. Otherwise it would have taken even longer. But I’ll come back to blogging, social media, emailing and YouTube in more detail in future articles.

Also, we have a premium make money online course. If you are Interested then you can enroll.

 Some Benefits Of The Course:

✓ It’s extensive and covers a wide variety of subjects. I mentioned before that you’ll gain insight into managing and creating ads, content creation, and more. All these aspects work together for an in-depth lesson into everything you need to know about affiliate marketing.

✓ The course is kept up to date. Ten, twenty years in the future, you can’t expect the same strategies to work. I mean, imagine if Facebook were to be replaced by some other form of social media? Luckily the program is revised on a yearly basis to keep up with new trends, and so you’re getting updated tips and strategies you can apply to your business.

✓ It’s well organized and easy to navigate. The course is separated into different sections which help you flip through quizzes, revisions, and other areas you may want to specifically review. It’s also well laid out at a reasonable pace and follows a structure that isn’t confusing to allow for optimal retention.

✓ The community and support group is welcoming and a great resource even after you’ve completed the course. There’s a Facebook group dedicated to users of the SAS system where you can connect with experts and others like yourself. You’ll also gain access to an email marketing forum where you’ll be able to make use of the knowledge base anytime you need to.

✓ Customer support is easy to reach and eager to please. I like how the customer service team can be reached through email and you get a response within 1-2 days. The replies are quick, straight to the point, and often don’t need reiteration on your part.